terça-feira, 20 de julho de 2010

Problema de Sync nos objetos From FIM 2010 to External System

Após a criação das regras de synchronismo poderá ocorrer os seguintes erros caso você não tenha habilitado as devidas MPR´s.

“Identity Manager Policy prohibits the request from completing.”

“"failed-creation-via-web services"

"failed modification via web services"

Looking at the detailed error trace here's the output:

There is an error executing a web service object creation request.
Type: Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices.Client.PermissionDeniedException

Message: Fault Reason: Policy prohibits the request from completing.

Fault Details: <RequestFailures xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/11/ResourceManagement" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"></RequestFailures>

Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices.ResourceFactoryClient.Create(Message request)
   at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices.ResourceFactoryClient.Create(Create createBody)
   at Microsoft.ResourceManagement.WebServices.Client.ResourceTemplate.CreateResource()

Inner Exception: Policy prohibits the request from completing.



Como verificar quais MPR´s devem ser habilitadas?

Executar o script PowerShell abaixo

Using PowerShell to check your MPR configuration for synchronization

  1. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # Name   : Using PowerShell to check your MPR configuration for synchronization
  3. # Version: 2.0
  4. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5.   Set-Variable -Name URI -Value "http://localhost:5725/resourcemanagementservice' " -Option Constant 
  6.   Set-Variable -Name msgWarning -Value "Caution: Your current MPR configuration requires your attention!" -Option Constant
  7.   Set-Variable -name msgOK -Value "Your current MPR configuration meets all requirements" -Option Constant
  8. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9.  Function GetObjects 
  10.  {   
  11.     Param($Filter)   
  12.     End
  13.     {
  14.        $ExportObject = Export-Fimconfig -uri $URI `
  15.                              –onlyBaseResources `
  16.                              -customconfig ($Filter) `
  17.                              -ErrorVariable Err `
  18.                                                                                      -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  19.        If($Err){Throw $Err}
  20.        Return $ExportObject 
  21.      }
  22.  }
  23. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24.  Function ShowResults
  25.  { 
  26.     Param([ref]$bActionItem, $lstAttributes, $msgMissing) 
  27.     End 
  28.     {
  29.        if([int]($lstAttributes.length) -eq 0) {return}
  30.        $bActionItem.value = $true   
  31.        Write-Host "`n$msgMissing" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor yellow   
  32.        ForEach($attributeName In $lstAttributes) {Write-Host " -$attributeName"} 
  33.     }
  34.  }
  35. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36.  Function GetXmlDoc
  37.  { 
  38.     Param($exportObjects, $attributeName) 
  39.     End
  40.     {   
  41.        $curAttribute = $exportObjects.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | `
  42.                                Where-Object {$_.AttributeName -eq "$attributeName"}   
  43.        Return "<root>$($curAttribute.Value)</root>" 
  44.     }
  45.  }
  46. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47.  Function GetDataFromMpr 
  48.  { 
  49.     Param($mprName, [ref]$lstMissingMpr, [ref]$lstDisabledMpr) 
  50.     End
  51.     {
  52.        $curMprObject = GetObjects -Filter "/ManagementPolicyRule[DisplayName='$mprName']"   
  53.        If($curMprObject -eq $null) {$lstMissingMpr.value += $mprName}   
  54.        Else
  55.        {    
  56.           $curAttribute = $curMprObject.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | `
  57.                           Where-Object {$_.AttributeName -eq "Disabled"}    
  58.           If($curAttribute.Value -eq "True") {$lstDisabledMpr.value += $mprName}   
  59.        }  
  60.     }
  61.  }
  62. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63.  Function GetResAttrsForMpr
  64.  { 
  65.     Param($mprName) 
  66.     End
  67.     {   
  68.        $curMprObject = GetObjects -Filter "/ManagementPolicyRule[DisplayName='$mprName']"   
  69.        If($curMprObject -eq $null) {Return @()}   
  70.        $curAttribute = $curMprObject.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | `
  71.                Where-Object {$_.AttributeName -eq "ActionParameter"}   
  72.        If($curAttribute -eq $null) {Return @()}   
  73.        return $curAttribute.Values 
  74.     }
  75.  }
  76. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77.  Function GetEafAttributesForObjectType
  78.  {  
  79.     Param($cdObjectType, $mvObjectType, $xmlDoc)  
  80.     End  
  81.     {   
  82.        $lstAttribute = @()   
  83.        $typeNode = $xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("//export-flow-set[@cd-object-type='$cdObjectType' and @mv-object-type='$mvObjectType']")   
  84.        If($typeNode -eq $null) {Return $lstAttribute}   
  85.        ForEach($curNode in $typeNode.selectNodes("export-flow[direct-mapping]"))   
  86.        {
  87.           $lstAttribute += $curNode.selectSingleNode("@cd-attribute").get_InnerText()   
  88.        }
  90.        Return $lstAttribute  
  91.     } 
  92.  }
  93. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94.  Function GetAttributeDiff
  95.  { 
  96.     Param([array]$lstSource, [array]$lstTarget) 
  97.     End
  98.     {   
  99.        $lstAttributes = @()   
  100.        ForEach($attrName in $lstSource)   
  101.        {  
  102.           If(!($lstTarget -contains $attrName)) {$lstAttributes += $attrName}   
  103.        }
  105.        Return $lstAttributes  
  106.     }
  107.  }
  108. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109.  If(@(Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "FIMAutomation"} ).count -eq 0) {Add-PSSnapin FIMAutomation}
  110. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111.  $exportObjects = GetObjects -Filter "/ma-data[SyncConfig-category='FIM']"
  112.  If($exportObjects -eq $null) {Throw "There is no FIM MA configured on your system!"}
  113.  [xml]$xmlExportFlow = GetXmlDoc -exportObjects $exportObjects `
  114.                                  -attributeName "SyncConfig-export-attribute-flow"
  115.  [xml]$xmlProjection = GetXmlDoc -exportObjects $exportObjects `
  116.                                  -attributeName "SyncConfig-projection"
  118.  [array]$lstEafAttributesPerson = GetEafAttributesForObjectType -cdObjectType "Person" `
  119.                                                                 -mvObjectType "person" `
  120.                                                                 -xmlDoc $xmlExportFlow
  122.  [array]$lstEafAttributesGroup = GetEafAttributesForObjectType -cdObjectType "Group" `
  123.                                                                -mvObjectType "group" `
  124.                                                                                                                                                                        -xmlDoc $xmlExportFlow
  126.  If($lstEafAttributesGroup -contains "Member")
  127.  { 
  128.     $lstEafAttributesGroup = @($lstEafAttributesGroup | Where-Object {$_ -ne 'Member'}) 
  129.     $lstEafAttributesGroup += "ExplicitMember" }
  130.     If($xmlProjection.selectNodes("//class-mapping[@cd-object-type='Person']").get_count() -eq 0) {Throw "The FIM management agent does not manage person objects"}
  132.     $bHasGroups = $xmlProjection.selectNodes("//class-mapping[@cd-object-type='Group']").get_count() -gt 0
  133. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134.  $mprNames = @() 
  135.  $mprNames += "General: Users can read schema related resources"
  136.  $mprNames += "General: Users can read non-administrative configuration resources"
  137.  $mprNames += "User management: Users can read attributes of their own"
  138.  $mprNames += "Synchronization: Synchronization account can delete and update expected rule entry resources"
  139.  $mprNames += "Synchronization: Synchronization account can read schema related resources"
  140.  $mprNames += "Synchronization: Synchronization account can read synchronization related resources"
  141.  $mprNames += "Synchronization: Synchronization account can read users it synchronizes"
  142.  $mprNames += "Synchronization: Synchronization account controls detected rule entry resources"
  143.  $mprNames += "Synchronization: Synchronization account controls synchronization configuration resources"
  144.  $mprNames += "Synchronization: Synchronization account controls users it synchronizes"
  146.  If($bHasGroups -eq $true)
  147.  {
  148.     $mprNames += "Synchronization: Synchronization account can read group resources it synchronizes" 
  149.     $mprNames += "Synchronization: Synchronization account controls group resources it synchronizes"
  150.  }
  151. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152.  $bActionItem = $false
  153.  $lstDisabledMpr = @() 
  154.  $lstMissingMpr = @()
  156.  ForEach($mprName In $mprNames)
  157.  { 
  158.     GetDataFromMpr -mprName $mprName `
  159.                            -lstMissingMpr ([ref]$lstMissingMpr) `
  160.                                                    -lstDisabledMpr ([ref]$lstDisabledMpr)
  161.  }
  162. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163.  Clear-Host
  164.  Write-Host "`nFIM MPR Configuration For Synchronization Check"
  165.  Write-Host "==============================================="
  166.  ShowResults -bActionItem ([ref]$bActionItem) `
  167.              -lstAttributes $lstMissingMpr `
  168.              -msgMissing "Missing MPRs:"
  170.  ShowResults -bActionItem ([ref]$bActionItem) `
  171.              -lstAttributes $lstDisabledMpr `
  172.              -msgMissing "MPRs that need to be enabled:"
  174.  $mprName = "Synchronization: Synchronization account controls users it synchronizes"
  176.  [array]$lstResAttributes = GetResAttrsForMpr -mprName $mprName
  177.  [array]$lstMissingAttrs = GetAttributeDiff -lstSource $lstEafAttributesPerson `
  178.                                             -lstTarget $lstResAttributes
  179.  ShowResults -bActionItem ([ref]$bActionItem) `
  180.              -lstAttributes $lstMissingAttrs `
  181.              -msgMissing "Missing attributes of $($mprName):"
  183.  If($bHasGroups -eq $true)
  184.  { 
  185.     $mprName = "Synchronization: Synchronization account controls group resources it synchronizes" 
  186.     $lstResAttributes = GetResAttrsForMpr -mprName $mprName   
  187.     $lstMissingAttrs  = GetAttributeDiff -lstSource $lstEafAttributesGroup `
  188.                                          -lstTarget $lstResAttributes 
  189.     ShowResults -bActionItem ([ref]$bActionItem) `
  190.                 -lstAttributes $lstMissingAttrs `
  191.                 -msgMissing "Missing attributes of $($mprName):"
  192.  }
  193. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194.  If($bActionItem -eq $true) {write-host "`n$msgWarning`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkblue}
  195.  Else {write-host "`n$msgOK"}
  196. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197.  Trap
  198.  { 
  199.     Write-Host "`nError: $($_.Exception.Message)`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkred  
  200.     Write-Host $_.Exception.GetType().FullName -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkred 
  201.     Exit 1
  202.  }
  203. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Source Script:

 Using PowerShell to check your MPR configuration for synchronization

Executar o script que ira trazer quais as MPR´s deverão ser habilitadas conforme mostra abaixo.

“MPRs that need to be anabled”


Basta habilitar as MPRs que os sincronismos irá ocorrer sem problemas.

2 comentários:

  1. Caramba cara como é difícil encontrar bons artigos assim sobre FIM, com script e tudo, verei fã mesmo do seu blog, nota 10, parabéns. Gostaria de aprender mais sobre FIM, quando teremos aqui no blog usn posts de introdução? :)

  2. Ola meu amigo, Muito bom ouvir isso.
    Estou preparando um material voltado para introdução e uma boa explanação das funcionalidades do FIM, Já temos algumas coisas que serão muito ulteis você, Segue abaixo.




    Inicialmente de uma olhada no link abaixo que tem um material muito bom para iniciar o entendimento no FIM 2010.

    Muito obrigado, Até breve.
